FREE Flobyt Wifi are available around you. If you are in Lagos, Abuja, Port-Harcourt or Ibadan, check out any of partner locations,
and patronize them. While you are at it, look out for our Wifi signal on your phone. Connect normally as you would any other network.
When you see our Flobyt Wifi splash screen, you are almost done. Just click continue.
There are no usernames or passwords required to connect. Just fast, easy to use wifi, for free.
Now that you have joined and securely authenticated on our network, you can now connect.
Click connect and visit to launch our websites or partner sites upon successful connection. Or you can simply just connect.
Enjoy high speed connection. Enjoy every app. Be happy.
We believe that just because it is free doesn’t mean you should endure “anyhowness”. Our FREE wifi is fast and secure. We do not limit the website you visit per session you are connected.
Don’t use your data. Use ours.
Flobyt Wifi is a free, fast, reliable and easy to use wifi service across our partner of locations including; eateries, parks, taxis, buses, restaurants, cafés and many more. Flobyt Wifi is designed to replicate your ‘at home’ wifi experience, when you’re out and about. Checking emails, uploading photos to Facebook, funny instagram videos – whatever you’re into, surf it for free on your smartphone or tablet.
Its fast
It’s secure
It’s everywhere